Why sex is good for you

A list of perfectly good reasons to justify having more sex with your partner

Text: Shannon T

HEADER- Why sex is good for you

Sex. It’s an essential topic to touch on when it comes to relationships, whether or not you choose to participate. While some couples choose to maintain sexless relationships, more people are now advocating for healthy sexual activities on the regular, and for good reasons! The thing is, sex not only feels good (when done properly!), but also does good for you and your partner in a variety of ways, from health benefits to maintaining spark in your relationship. Read on to see the expected – and unexpected – upsides to having sex regularly.

PIC 1- Why sex is good for you

You get to live longer

Yes you’re not reading this wrong. Research has drawn a link between having sex and living a longer life, due to the positive health benefits you’ll reap from maintaining a healthy sex life. There’s a variety of angles that contributes to this:

  • You’re happier from being in a committed relationship

  • You are physically active, since sex IS a cardiovascular workout

  • It relieves stress from our hectic lifestyles — something that is likely to lead to health complications and early mortality

With that, let’s dive deeper into the perks of sex when it comes to improving our physical health.

While it’s not going to take away your aches and pains, an orgasm provides temporary relief. From headaches to morning sickness and PMS cramps, a romp in the hay often works better than popping two pills of paracetamol. Medical Daily describes orgasms as “the miracle cure”. The same chemicals that bring us pleasure also relieve pain, according to the publication.

High blood pressure is a major red flag for your health, linked to problems like heart attacks, strokes, kidney problems and eye disease. If you’re already eating a healthy and balanced diet, getting your workouts and lifting weights, watching your alcohol intake and dabbling with meditation to keep your blood pressure in check, consider adding sex to your list. When women orgasm, they release oxytocin, which is linked to decreased blood pressure. Not in the mood? Cuddling up with your partner has similar effects!

Colds are annoying as can be. As it turns out, sex could actually protect you from the pesky common cold by boosting your immune system. Human saliva contains immunoglobulin A (IgA for short), which is one of the key antibodies that helps us fight off illness. Folks who have sex just once or twice each week have 30% more IgA in their systems than people who have sex less or more often.

It’s cardio, baby! A sweaty sex session can burn some serious calories and improve overall physical fitness. Try this out if you’re not the biggest fan of the gym and prefer bed activities instead. Some of the most popular sexual positions also helps tone muscles, and is a lot more fun than pumping iron at the gym. Experiment with different positions to tone your core, buttocks, thighs, calves, and upper body. 10/10 would recommend for adventurous duos who are looking to pushing their orgasms to new limits! If that’s not enough, you even get the added bonus of building and maintaining lean muscle due to the release of testosterone during sex.

Quit guzzling milk, try sex instead. Estrogen levels decline as we age, resulting in thinning bones and can lead to osteoporosis. Sex boost estrogen levels and keep your bones strong. While men develop osteoporosis less often than women due to greater bone mass, men are still susceptible to the condition. Testosterone levels decrease during and after sexual activity, which helps ward off osteoporosis in men.

Foodie? You should have sex! After sex, the human brain releases a hormone called prolactin, which increases the production of nerve cells in the area of the brain that is responsible for our sense of smell. Since taste and smell are so closely related, having sex is likely to improve our sense of smell, which could result in an heightened sense of taste. Bon appétit!

Mental Wellness

As mentioned earlier, sex helps relieves stress and here’s why. Cortisol—the body’s stress hormone — decreases during sexual activity. Psychologically, it also leads to improved relationships and aids us in dealing with daily stressors better.

Sex can also help alleviate anxiety and depression symptoms. During sex, our bodies produce endorphins, dopamine, and oxytocin, which have mood-boosting properties. While the production of feel-good chemicals may bring temporary relief, it is not meant to be a cure for any mental health problems. Having sex in the morning also kickstarts your day with an endorphin rush and make it feel better! Also check out this list of best positions for relieving stress and anxiety.

Additionally, sex can help you become smarter! Now who could refuse additional boosters in the cognitive department? A 2014 study by University of Maryland researchers found relations between sex and the production of new neurons in the brain and improved cognitive function. The best part? Sex actually helps in preventing memory loss and dementia!

Beauty benefits

Looking for the next anti-aging miracle product? Well you gotta work for it! Sex can make you look more youthful by up to 7 years, due to the human growth hormone that may improve skin’s elasticity that is released during intercourse. A decade-long study suggested that people who maintain their youthful appearance have sex approximately 3 times per week. And it’s not just any sex, the key is to feel pleasure during the process. 

As previously mentioned, sex reduces stress and promotes better sleep, which could make you look and feel more attractive. Confidence and self-esteem may also be a factor, as when we feel good about ourselves, we tend to shine from the inside out. 

Besides the psychological factor of making you glow from within, having an active sex life can help unlock radiant-looking skin by promoting skin renewal and increases oxygen levels and blood flow. Our bodies produce less estrogen as we age, which can lead to thinning, sagging skin, and wrinkles. Estrogen produced during sex counters these signs of aging by plumping the skin and smoothing lines and wrinkles.

Sex increases your chances of having a baby

It’s a no brainer that having frequent sex increases the chances of conception, but its not just because of more sperms. In fact, having sex outside her monthly ovulation window could help a woman conceive. The luteal phase of the menstrual cycle follows the ovulation phase. During this time, the uterus’ lining thickens to help support a potential pregnancy. There are two types of helper T cells that help sustain a pregnancy. Research shows that sexually active women have elevated levels of these cells as opposed to sexually abstinent women, whose levels remain the same.

Many people believe that “saving up” sperm increases the odds of getting a woman pregnant. But the truth is that while abstinence may increase sperm count, daily ejaculation helps in boosting sperm vitality. If you and your partner are having trouble conceiving, abstinence could be the culprit. Studies show that frequent ejaculation could greatly improve the chances of conception. Experts believe men should ejaculate an average of 3 to 4 times per week to produce the optimal amount of sperm.

Women’s Health

Having sex is great for ladies in a number of ways due to a better balance in our hormones, including regulating our periods, alleviates PMS symptoms and shortens the duration of our periods.

An active sex life keeps the vagina in shape in some weird and wonderful ways. Not only does sexual activity keep the vagina lubricated; it also increases blood flow and reduces menopause symptoms. It’s not just intercourse that keeps the vagina in shape as we age. Any form of sexual activity, including masturbation, has similar benefits.

Beyond our feminine parts, sex also improves women’s bladder control. Many women experience urinary incontinence, which is said to be caused by problems associated with the muscles and nerves of the bladder. Other factors include pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, and excess weight. Thankfully, regular orgasms can help ward off incontinence. When a woman has an orgasm, the muscles of the pelvic floor are being strengthened and toned.

Men’s Health

Sex boast benefits for men’s health as well, with research showing that regular sexual activity helps decreases risks of heart disease. The risk of heart disease increases 45% for men who rarely engage in sex, as compared to men who have sexual encounters two or more times each week.

Regular ejaculation improves prostate health in men. A study of 32,000 men over an 18-year period found that men who ejaculated at least 21 times each month had a 20% lower chance of developing prostate cancer than men who ejaculated only 4 to 7 times per month. The ages of the study participants varied, suggesting that ejaculation may ward off prostate cancer regardless of a man’s age. 

Improves Relationships

Besides the links between regular sex and committed relationships, the process of sex also helps strengthen relationships due to open and honest communication that is required during the act. Post-sex pillow talk is one way that leads to increased intimacy. This applies to both new couples or long-time life partners. 

Erotic touch also helps create a deeper connection and bond between partners due to the release of oxytocin, the hormone responsible for regulating positive moods, when touched. Elevate your experience in the bedroom and improve your relationship with your other half by checking out our piece on the art of sensual touch


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