8 really good things that happened in 2020

Don’t look back in anger, people. There is hope for 2021 if these things continue

Text: Jo

Four people with makeshift masks covering their faces_good things that came out of 2020

None of us were sad to say goodbye to 2020. However, amidst the doom and gloom caused, it turns out that good things happened in 2020 and it was a year of some pretty remarkable movements, local initiatives, global events and personal lessons that no-one could have predicted.

The year saw advances on multiple fronts. Human ingenuity and tenacity brought some astounding breakthroughs (one being a Covid vaccine). People connected and reconnected across great distances online. We all had loads more time to cook. Yes — stuff that’s actually great. Here are some of the best bits that we hope to have learned from and can continue to champion as we move forward throughout 2021.

It’s cool to be kind

Kindness was big business in Singapore in 2020 and long may it continue. Thanks to the amazing work of the Singapore Kindness Movement, there was a rise in Ground-up Movements (affectionately known as GUMs). These self-organised groups led to numerous voluntary projects to promote goodwill and support within our communities. Some of our favourites include the fabulously named It’s raining raincoats which was an initiative set up to improve the lives of migrant workers; and the Kampung Kakis, a buddy system to support Singapore’s elderly, low-income families and vulnerable residents during the pandemic. Providing hope for 2021, if this was achieved during such hard times, just imagine what lies ahead …

Black Lives Matter_peaceful protestor holding up BLM sign_good things from 2020

Education about race and minorities is paramount

The death of George Floyd, an African-American man and father of two, at the hands of a white police officer, sparked the worst race riots in the US in over 50 years. While horrific, the situation caused all countries to think a little harder about racism, and the crime spotlighted that race has to enter public conversations in order for us to make actionable changes. If you don’t know where to start, we recommend Minority Voices, a relatively new but impactful movement which shares stories of everyday racism and discrimination faced by minorities in Singapore. Their IG platform is full of powerful, intelligent and insightful storytelling as a bid to inform, educate, and rewrite the narrative.

Animals need to be animals

Another good thing that happened in 2020 took place in the animal world. The pandemic's alleged beginnings in a wet food market forced a rethink on the treatment of our furry (and not so furry) friends. China banned the production of (and trade in) wildlife for human consumption and removed pangolin scales from the country’s traditional pharmacopeia. Six baby orangutans were born in Borneo’s Lamandau Wildlife Reserve, France banned the use of wild animals in circuses, and the lion population in Kenya rose 25 percent from figures in 2010. African black rhino populations increased and there are rumours of a return of the giant blue whale.

The quest for equality is ongoing

The pandemic did not stop human rights group Aware from continuing their fight for gender equality. They launched their NextGen Fund as a bid to nurture future change-makers to keep amplifying women’s voices in the years to come. Throughout a global crisis or not, AWARE strive to put counselling, legal advice, shelter and other essential services such as helplines for females at the forefront. Essentially, these services support 5,000 women in Singapore annually, at no or low costs. Log on here to find out how you can help during 2021.

The planet is everything

As the world entered lockdown, industries shut, flights grounded, and roads were empty causing one of the best things to happen in 2020 — a drastic dip in carbon emissions. People everywhere are now taking more personal responsibility for the planet with China aiming for carbon neutrality by 2060. Two million people in India planted 250 million trees in one weekend last year. Here in Singapore, we’re embarking on a one million tree planting spree as a bid to save certain bird, reptile, and tree species. The government is also sponsoring the creation of rooftop gardens, curbside foliage, and green city projects like therapy garden parks.

View of gardens by the bay in Singapore_things to continue in 2021

Singapore is still good looking when wild

According to reports, less traffic last year encouraged a more active eco-system and greater biodiversity in the urban parts of Singapore. While some were not happy about our island’s uncharacteristic bushy ways, most of us welcomed seeing more butterflies, insects and birds. The new awareness of the natural beauty around us led to a cool new community for naturalists (no, not the naked types) and the question of whether Singapore should reduce grass cutting for mini-eco-systems to thrive. (As long as the mini eco-systems don’t include big spiders, we’re defo onboard with this).

Not all super-heroes wear capes

Health workers, social distancing officers, care workers, online teachers, cleaning aunties, hawker uncles, mental health campaigners, transport staff, the neighbour we lived next door to but didn’t speak to until the pandemic hit — the list goes on and all of these people provided us with comfort, safety and hope. They personified the word “hero”. Note to self: don’t ever forget this.

There truly is strength in numbers

Time magazine was just one of the international news outlets to report Singapore as one of the countries praised for its pandemic response. The fact that millions of us were smart and responsible and did our best to comply with the rules is also worth feeling proud of, too. Zoom reconnected long-lost friends and family and stopped cabin fever. Communities grew closer. 2020 confirmed our mantra that we really are stronger together. Let’s remember how far we’ve come and commit to striving in unity as we enter the future.

Happy 2021!


Quit being a pushover: Stop people pleasing & learn how to say no


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