Dharma Coaching – a way to discover and reconnect with your true self and purpose

Feeling stuck and lost in life? Dharma Coaching might be what you need. We speak to Quarter Life Guide & Dharma Coach, Karishma Rupani

Text: Hui Yi Phua

credit: Denys Nevozhai

A new way of exploring within, Dharma Coaching is a personal and spiritual development discipline that’s meant to help you uncover and reconnect with your true self and purpose. The word “Dharma” has multiple meanings in different contexts, but in Hinduism, it refers to the power which upholds the universe and society. Each person is said to have their own dharma – different obligations, purpose and duties according to one’s age, gender and social position. In the case of Dharma Coaching, your highest potential and greater life purpose are derived from your birth chart.

To understand the concept of Dharma Coaching further, we interviewed local Quarter Life Guide & Dharma Coach, Karishma Rupani, on how Dharma Coaching works and how it can help guide individuals in their life journeys.


What is Dharma Coaching?

To me, Dharma Coaching is a term that’s all encompassing. It is what can lead us to fulfil our highest potential and greater purpose in all areas of our life – relationship, career, and so on.

Dharma Coaching incorporates various concepts like Ayurveda, a traditional Indian holistic healing modality, and Chakras, the seven basic energy centres in our body.  Of course, Birth Charts are also used in Dharma Coaching as they show us who we are at our core by calculating the astrological aspects and sensitive angles of our birth.


How does Dharma Coaching work?

My approach towards Dharma Coaching is by analysing one’s Birth Chart, from which I can derive their highest potential as well as the patterns and tendencies (maybe from their childhood traumas or past lives) they fall into that could come in the way of fulfilling that.

By understanding their own birth chart, it shines a light on the life path that’s meant for them. From there, they can walk away from the “shadow side”, which is the lower expression of one’s potential, and start to align their lives accordingly to achieve their highest potential. As a coach, I guide my clients to find ways of getting there, such as meditation and visualisation exercises, inner child healing and journaling.


How does Dharma Coaching help individuals?

I think Dharma Coaching helps different clients in various ways. I have coached people who were feeling stuck and frustrated in certain aspects of their lives, those who were trying to figure out how to navigate their relationships, those who were trying to navigate towards a more aligned career path, and clients who were trying to find meaning in their personal lives.

The great thing about Dharma Coaching is that it has a coaching modality to it, which allows me to recommend and guide my clients on what they can do next to reach and fulfil their highest potential. It also allows for greater impact compared to one-off astrological birth chart readings, which are illuminating and provide depths of awareness, but rarely allow for change to be initiated.

All in all, Dharma Coaching really helps us understand ourselves and accept ourselves for where we’re at. It also reminds us that we don’t have to follow what other people say or do. Once you hold that vision of what your highest potential can be, or the unfolding of why we’re here, and what we’re here to do, it can give you a lot of comfort, confidence and clarity within yourself.


What are the costs and session lengths?

I usually have a minimum of 2 sessions with my clients just so I have sufficient time to work on making a breakthrough for them. An ideal time period for Dharma Coaching to make real, long-term impact is 1 to 3 months but it’s also dependent on what each client needs from the coaching sessions. Currently, 2 coaching sessions with me are priced at $333.

For now since we’re in the middle of the pandemic, these sessions are mostly held online, but if needed, I’m also happy to meet clients in-person.

Karishma Rupani is a Dharma and purpose coach who help quarter lifers journey back to their innate selves and unlock their unique truths, purpose and gifts. She uses tools such as human design, astrology, and sound healing in her coaching sessions to guide her clients in reaching their highest potential. For more information visit her website here.


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