Top 5 mind-boosting breakfast foods and drinks

How to ensure you get the brain power you need from your breakfasts

Text: Rachel L


You’ve probably heard the age-old saying – breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And we’ve got no arguments there; breakfast is crucial for replenishing our glucose levels after the overnight fasting period and provides essential nutrients to fuel our daily activities. We would point out, however, that what you actually eat is as important as the act of eating breakfast itself. Our brains play an unquestionably important role in our day as we work, create, learn, memorise and brainstorm. With hours of potential ahead of you, equipping your mind with the nutrients that will help it function optimally is crucial in making the most of each day. Therefore, we’ve rounded up the top 5 breakfast foods to give your brain the boost it needs to kickstart and continue on with your day.

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1. Berries

Berries are a sweet treat for our mornings, brightening them with their vibrant colours. While they’re perfect for decorating a bowl of oatmeal or blending into a refreshing smoothie, berries also safeguard against dementia and are a tasty way to improve your memory. This is due to the high levels of anthocyanins in them which are able to prevent age-related neurodegenerative diseases and improve movement and brain function. On top of all of this, berries have also demonstrated their ability to serve as mood boosters and decrease the risk of depression. Extremely easy to incorporate into your mornings, you can eat them with a bowl of Greek yoghurt and granola, reduce them into a delicious jam or just have them as they are!

2. Citrus fruits

Starting off your day with a glass or orange juice might be a good idea to get that extra brain power. Research has shown that the high concentrations of citrus flavonoids in citrus fruits have great neuroprotective potential. A study involving 2031 elderly in 2010 found that among different types of fruits, citrus fruits have the strongest association with greater episodic memory, executive function, perceptual speed, and visuospatial skills. Furthermore, its ability to traverse the brain-blood barrier also allows it to act as a safeguard against neurodegeneration.

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3. Eggs

Poached, scrambled, fried or boiled – it doesn’t really matter what form eggs come in so long as they are on your breakfast menu. To put things into perspective, each egg contains enough nutrients to turn a cell into a chick which is why they’re known to be nutrient-dense. Among all the goodness found in them, eggs are known to be a top source of choline which helps produce acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in regulating our moods and memory. Furthermore, they are also high in tryptophan, an amino acid that serves as a building block in serotonin synthesis– one of the body’s “feel good” hormones. Thus, if the egg supply in your fridge is low, we definitely recommend restocking it.

4. Walnuts

Oxidative stress has adverse effects on brain health including serious consequences such as functional decline in key areas like the hippocampus and amygdala. This can affect an individual’s memory and also lead to neuropsychiatric disorders – such as depression and schizophrenia – and neurodegenerative disorders – for example, Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease. Walnuts help to combat this due to their high levels of antioxidants which reduce inflammation and oxidative damage in the brain. Besides that, studies have also shown that consuming walnuts has led to faster processing speeds, better memory and more mental flexibility in older adults. It’s clear that walnuts aren’t shaped like the brain for nothing!

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5. Green Tea

While breakfast can provide the brain with the nutrients it needs to remain active and alert is important, incorporating the right items can also help you to get into the right headspace. Research has shown that green tea was able to reduce perceived stress and anxiety due to a component called L-theanine. If you’re suffering from mental fatigue (yes, even at 8 in the morning), this component also combines with caffeine to ease tiredness, increase alertness and even soothe headaches when applicable. On top of all of this, green tea has also exhibited its ability to increase connectivity in the brain and stimulate brain activities that result in greater memory. Brewing yourself a cup at the start of each day will help you prepare your brain and ease your nerves for the work ahead.


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