The 101 on period tracking apps  

Take back control of your menstrual cycle

Text: Anna A

lady on phone technology at dawn

We live in an information age where we can pretty much get everything we need on an app, and few are more essential for a woman than a period and ovulation tracker. When it comes to our monthly menstrual cycle, some of us know exactly what’s going down, whereas others are unsure about symptoms and signals from our cycle.

Although they aren't always 100%, tracking apps help you to calculate your average length of menstrual cycle, so you can pinpoint your next period, or if you are trying to conceive, ovulation. They’re also great for noticing if certain bodily aches and pains, and common problems such as bloating, breakouts or a low mood, are related to your cycle.

Here, we’ve compiled some of our favourites to help you go with the flow (literally). Remember, we’re talking technology so period tracking apps should be used with caution and never as an alternative to contraception. If something feels off or is worrying you, always check in with your doctor.  

Read on for our top period-tracking apps.

Image source: Clue

Image source: Clue

1.    Learn more about your body with Clue 

 An app that can track your cycle and ovulation, Clue's mantra is all about understanding how your body works and what happens to it during your menstrual cycle. Draw conclusions from frequent analysis reports and calendar overviews to get in-depth information about your body from period-induced backaches to lethargy.  

Available on IOS and Android 

Image source: Period Tracker Period Calendar

Image source: Period Tracker Period Calendar

2.    Track like a pro with Period Tracker – Period Calendar 

Google curates this tracking app which boasts about being trusted by 150 million users in countries all over the world. Offering three amounts of info in one, Period Calendar predicts your next cycle, calculates your ovulation schedule and allows you to set reminders on things like taking your pill.

Available on IOS and Android 

Image source: Cycle Tracking with Apple

Image source: Cycle Tracking with Apple

3.    Get down to basics with Cycle Tracking with Apple 

If like most people you have an Apple device, then this could be for you. Quick and easy to use, Apple will send you notifications to your watch or phone about your menstrual cycle. Based on your personal information, Cycle Tracking will record everything from your flow level to your body temperature, which is vital if you're looking to get pregnant. 

Available on IOS 

Image source: Eve by Glow

Image source: Eve by Glow

4.    Stay savvy with Eve by Glow

Eve gives you control of your periods and sex life, allowing you to track your health data, such as mood and symptoms, with a complete Cycle Chart. There are also quizzes to learn more about your body and the opportunity to ask questions on everything from your sex life to your menstrual cycle. 

 Available on IOS and Android 

Ovia Health.png

5.    Ovia, for those that don't want their period 

Specifically, Ovia is a fertility app and an ovulation tracker for women who want to start a family. Information includes tracking your cycle or ovulation predictions to help you conceive. Receive daily tips, access to expert articles on fertility and conception, and up-to-date, personal data on your tracking. 

Available on IOS and Android 


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