Essential medical and health check ups to keep you fit and healthy throughout 2021

Maintain a clean bill of health with medical checks in Singapore

Text: Livvie B


As we start 2021, health and wellbeing are at the forefront of global consciousness, and with good reason. Thanks to Covid-19 we are more aware than ever about the importance of looking after our body and having annual essential medical check ups in Singapore as a bit to stay fit and healthy.

The pandemic has led to an increase in telemedicine, with people often being urged to ease pressure on the healthcare system by only visiting their doctor if absolutely necessary. In many instances, this has led to routine medical checks being delayed or cancelled altogether, leading many in the medical community concerned about potential future repercussions, as the opportunity to manage or control chronic disease may have been missed.

Another change that has resulted from 2020 is the increased focus on preventative health and avoiding illness altogether by living a balanced lifestyle, eating well, exercising regularly and generally being aware of our own physical and mental wellbeing. With this in mind, The Soothe team have compiled a helpful list of health checks to consider for 2021 to help you stay in tip-top condition: 

Breast cancer screening

Breast Cancer is the most common cancer in females in Singapore. Screening is recommended for those over the age of 50 or with a history of breast cancer in the family. If you do not fall into either of these categories, then self-examination and recognising what is normal for your own body is key. Warning signs include new breast lump, new armpit lump, dimpling of the skin, retraction of the nipple, nipple discharge (particularly spontaneous), red swelling of breast skin, pain. or more information on where you can get screened in Singapore, visit Singapore Cancer Society.

Bowl cancer screening

The second most common cancer for women, and most popular in men, bowel cancer is one of the most preventable and treatable cancers if detected early. In Singapore, people over 50 can pick up a Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT), which is an easy to use at home testing kit that should be used once a year.

Symptoms of bowel cancer are often confused with IBS, particularly in young people with stressful jobs, and include: change in bowel habits (increase/decrease in frequency), blood in the stool, weight loss, and bloating (can often cause people to feel full and unable to finish meals). If you are experiencing any of these treatments, you should go for bowel scope screening to eliminate possible colorectal cancer.

For more information on where you can get screened in Singapore, visit Singapore Cancer Society.

Cervical screening

Cervical cancer is preventable through regular screening; women aged 25-29 years should go for a Pap test every three years, and over 30 should go for a HPV test every five years. The Pap test involves a small brush sweeping the cells of the cervix, which allows assessment of cell changes. Should any cells cause concern, there are a number of ways for doctors to remove, treat, or monitor them. In an HPV test, the cells are also tested for the DNA of high-risk, cancer causing HPV strains.

If you are below the recommended testing age or between tests and notice any of the following signs – post-coital bleeding, pain during sex, abnormal discharge (inclusive of smell, quantity and colour), or irregularities to menstrual cycle contact your gynaecologist for advice.

For more information and details on where to get screened in Singapore visit Singapore Cancer Society.


Mole checks

The primary environmental cause of skin cancer is sun exposure, which is difficult to avoid when living in the Little Red Dot. With this in mind, keeping an eye on any moles you have on your skin, and getting them checked if they raise any suspicions, is key.

Moles are ‘concerning’ and require investigation if the meet these criteria: asymmetry, borderline edges, colour (more than two), have a diameter over 5mm, are itching or start to bleed.

For more information visit HealthHub.

Sexual healths screening

STI screening should be considered if you have had unprotected sexual intercourse with a sexually active partner, a stranger, or a partner who is not aware if they are infected or not.

Whilst usually very easy to treat upon detection, many STIs are asymptomatic, or can appear as very mild until the later stages of infection.

You can make an appointment for sexual health consultation at any public or private healthcare provider, such as KK Women's & Children’s Hospital.

Dental checks

Everyone’s least favourite person to see, the dentist should be visited at least every six months to help keep teeth and gums healthy. During the visit, the dentist will check for cavities, plaque, and tartar. They will also check your gums, and do a professional clean or scale.

Whilst tempting, avoiding the dentist can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and even more extensive medical problems, including hypertension, diabetes, oral cancer, kidney failure and heart disease.

For more information, visit the National Dental Centre Singapore.

Eye tests

If you don’t need to wear glasses or contact lenses, it can be easy to overlook (no pun intended) going for eye examinations, however, these should be done at least every two years

Even if you have 2020 vision, the examination can help detect underlying issues, such as age-related macular degeneration, cataracts and glaucoma.

For more information, visit the governmental Health Professionals site.

In addition to considering the above screening tests, it’s important to have a connection and awareness to our own bodies, maintain an active lifestyle, and healthy diet.

Please note that this list is not extensive. If you are suffering from any suspicious symptoms, please seek immediate help from your doctor.


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