Underwear in bed: Should you go commando to sleep?

Letting it all hang out in the bedroom can do wonders for your health and wellbeing

Text: Kritika S


When it comes to sleepwear there are several ‘looks’ that you can go for. The boysy shorts and vest combo. The slinky nightie effect. The sensible pajamas set. Or you could whip it all off and go commando to sleep.

Wearing underwear in bed is ultimately a personal choice but have you ever wondered how it might impact your health? While wearing underwear to bed provides protection and hygiene, according to David E. Bank MD, a dermatologist and founder of The Center For Dermatology in New York, covering up is not entirely necessary and going without can actually provide some great benefits to your wellbeing.

Sleeping naked might not be the first thing that springs to mind when it comes to improving your health, but there are some plus points that really make a difference. Here are a few of them:

1.    The comfort factor
In a survey by Mattress Advisor, 58 percent of people said that they prefer sleeping naked and the top three reasons given by respondents were “it’s relaxing”, “it’s more comfortable” and “I sleep better”. Adding to this, Sherry A. Ross, MD, OB-GYN and women’s health expert in Santa Monica, California and author of She-ology: The Definitive Guide to Women’s Intimate Health says wearing underwear can cause chafing, pinching and itching, or a feeling of being confined which is why some people prefer to go commando to sleep.

2.    Reduced bacteria and yeast
Bacteria and yeast thrive in warm and damp conditions, and in a hot tropical country like Singapore people are bound to sweat and suffer from irritable skin. This can be further aggravated depending on the kind of underwear you have on, especially if you go for overtly tight or synthetic materials that can trap moisture and encourage bacterial growth. The final straw can be urinary tract infections, bacterial vaginosis or yeast infections which can often be avoided by sleeping naked or not wearing underwear in bed.

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3.    More air flow
After a day of humid temperatures, going commando to sleep will certainly help your genital area ventilate and breathe resulting in healthy and refreshed skin conditions. Indeed, one study from the National Institutes of Health found that the temperature of the room where you sleep is one of the most important factors in achieving quality sleep. If it’s too cold or too hot, you risk impacting your rapid eye movement sleep. Sleeping naked and letting the airflow is one way to stay cool beneath the covers.

4.     A spicier sex life (potentially)
Couples that are sleeping naked together are more likely to have sex. Skin-to-skin contact is known to release endorphins like oxytocin (aka the hug hormone or cuddle chemical), which gets you in the mood for love. And if you sleep alone, no matter. Research has found that spending time naked helps boost self-esteem and overall body image, which is fabulous if you’re on a solo journey of self-love.

5.    Increased sperm health
There is scientific evidence to show that men who sport tight underwear risk overheating their testicles and hindering sperm production. The study conducted in the journal Human Reproduction revealed that men who wore loose-fitting pants had a 25% higher sperm concentration compared to men who regularly wore tight-fitted briefs. Although the research is not entirely consistent, one lifestyle change that could help men is sleeping naked to allow testicles to hang freely throughout the night.

We’ll leave you with that image 😊😊.


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