Healing crystals: What are they and how to use them

Only think of Swarovski when you think of crystals? Think again

Text: Anna A

Lady in white holding healing stones with both hands

You’ve tried yoga. You’ve tried meditation. You’ve tried a few wines on a Friday night. If your soul needs a gentle boost of energy, or you want to get rid of negativity, there’s always the self-care option of crystals. Nope, not those from Swarovski. We’re talking about the alternative therapy of healing crystals, whose holistic powers have been praised for calming, healing and bringing good fortune to their users. Interesting, no?

What do healing crystals do?

Healing crystals are an alternative type of therapy and a self-care method that bring balance to body and mind by extracting negative energy and weaknesses. Although there’s no scientific evidence to support the use of these semi-precious stones, it’s impossible to ignore the multitude of experiences that have resulted in positive effects. Today, everyone from A-listers to wellbeing Insta-gurus are turning to the likes of quartz stone, rose quartz and citrine, and reporting increased tranquillity and positivity, and in some cases, enhanced immunity and pain relief.

 It was our ancestors who recognised the properties of semi-precious stones. Kings and Queens placed them in their royal regalia, the ancient Egyptians used them to ward off illness, and the ancient Chinese art of feng shui used gemstones to achieve a good vibe within a room. How so? Due to their molecular composition, healing crystals are believed to connect your energy with the frequency and vibrations of the earth. The inner vibrations from the ground have the power to affect your vitality, remove negativity, and lift your spirits. 

Crystal healing is the therapy of placing gemstones on your body or in nearby places such as a pocket, in your handbag and even in your bra (we won’t tell).

Each crystal has its own unique energy and purpose that will align with different areas of your life. When choosing your crystals, experts recommend ignoring names or the meanings of them, but trusting your gut instead. Touching and feeling a crystal is an excellent way to see if the energy connects with you.

Here’s some tips for those looking for a healing crystal guide:

1.   Rose quartz is known as the ‘love stone’. It’s representative of unconditional love and is believed to enhance your own feelings of  self-love.

2.   Citrine brings energies of personal power and confidence.

3.   Known as ‘the master healer’, clear quartz provides clarity and amplifies vitality.

4.   Amethyst banishes negative energy from a room, and its super high vibration enables connections with higher planes.

5.   Black tourmaline has protective qualities.


How do you use crystals?

When using healing crystals, it’s essential to set your intentions. These can be anything important to you, such as your health or happiness. Then you need to think about an area of life you’d like your intention to manifest within. Maybe your job? Improving relationships? Finding love?

State your intention loud (e.g. ‘I hope to be more positive’ or ‘I wish for new financial opportunities’). Then into yourself while focusing on your goal.

Visualise a light beaming through the crystal while gently breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Concentrate on your intention and let the power of your crystal flow over you. If you’re seeking help for physical pain, focus on the part of your body you want to treat. The length of your meditation is up to you.

Some experts claim it’s the power of the suggestion you’re feeling — rather than the power of your crystal — that’s doing the work. As for correcting aches or pains, some studies have shown that crystal users have simply ‘wished themselves well’, proving just how mighty the mind can be.

When will I see the healing effects?

You’ll receive the best effects when you ‘charge’ your crystals in direct sunlight or moonlight, at least four hours before use. Afterwards, cleanse them in water and recharge them once again to give more power to your objective.

Seeing results varies from person to person and depends on your sensitivity, along with your perception of crystals to begin with (if you’re a fan or a sceptic). If you’re dubious, healing crystals probably aren’t for you, but giving them a go is unlikely cause harm. Who knows? They might just be the self-care method you’ve been searching for.

To get your crystal fix in Singapore check out Secret Crystals, New Age Healing and Aloofafa.


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