Top 10 self-help books

Looking to start a self-improvement journey? Here are some of our all time favourites for self-help books that can inspire and guide

Text: Hui Yi Phua

credit: Thought Catalog

credit: Thought Catalog

Today, the number of self-help books have nearly doubled since 2013. In 2019 alone, 4.3 million units of motivational and inspirational books, which is the most popular subject in the self-help category, were sold. These are the results of an increasing emphasis and awareness being placed on mindfulness and the importance of mental wellness in recent years.


If you are searching for recommendations – this article is just for you. We’ve listed below our top 10 favourite self-help books to read for a little inspiration and guidance in your life. Choose your preferred medium from podcasts, hard copies and even a cheats guide to reading Blinkist, there’s something for everyone.


1.    The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

This is a classic for self-help book lovers – although it was published more than 50 years ago, its teachings remain relevant and applicable in today’s world. In this book, Stephen R. Covey introduces 7 simple habits to cultivate that can help us achieve personal and interpersonal success. The content adopts a principle-centred, character-based, and inside-out approach that allows readers to grow mentally, socially, emotionally, and spiritually.

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2.    Daring Greatly by Brené Brown

The infamous Dr. Brené Brown is the author of five #1 New York Times bestsellers (including Daring Greatly) and a researcher who has spent the past two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy. In this book, she empowers readers to courageously embrace vulnerability and imperfection by breaking down the concept of vulnerability and scientifically explaining the mechanisms that keep us from it. For those who love content backed up by statistics and anecdotes, and/or authors who write with humour and candor – we highly recommend Daring Greatly

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3.    Atomic Habits by James Clear

This is a fantastic book that conveys how small, seemingly insignificant improvements made to one’s daily routine can yield extraordinary results in your life. James Clear is an expert on habit formation and in this book, he draws on proven ideas from biology, psychology, and neuroscience to offer easy and practical tips on how to form good habits and break bad ones. If you’re looking to improve your productivity and growth, this book will serve as an effective and great guide.

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4.    The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle 

Perfect for those who are having trouble letting go of the past and/or can’t stop worrying about the future. Eckhart Tolle imparts enlightening principles and ideas that will teach you to live in the present and refocus on what truly matters. Through exploring topics such as the source of Chi, impermanence and the cycle of life, and enlightened relationships, The Power of Now takes readers on an inspiring spiritual journey to personal growth and the discovery of truth and light. 

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5.    Start with Why by Simon Sinek 

Start With Why puts together the real-life stories of the world’s most powerful leaders and analyses what it truly takes to lead and inspire. Simon Sinek uncovers the shared formula behind the success of these leaders and explains how they’ve done so by simply questioning “Why?”. This book is highly recommended if you’re keen to find purpose in the things you do and to build effective leadership skills. 

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6.    Think Again by Adam Grant 

In Think Again, organizational psychologist Adam Grant tries to argue like he’s right but listen like he’s wrong. He invites readers to rewire our minds and question what we think we know. By reviewing and reimagining our perspectives, we provide ourselves with brand new ways of thinking that allows us to gain better mental flexibility, humility and curiosity. This text will unlock a whole new set of knowledge that can push you to become a greater student, leader and human-being in general.  

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7.    The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk 

A transformative book that provides an illuminating approach to understanding and healing from trauma. Bessel van der Kolk is a renowned trauma expert who has spent over three decades working with survivors. In The Body Keeps the Score, he reveals how trauma affects us in numerous, some unseen, ways, and how we can cope using innovative treatments like mindfulness techniques and yoga. A warning that the content discussed could be triggering to some, so please exercise caution if you decide to read this book. 

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8.    The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman 

Perhaps you’ve heard of the Five Love Languages, but do you know how exactly these languages impact and shape your relationships? In this #1 New York Times bestseller, Dr. Gary Chapman explains how we receive and give love according to our love language, and how applying this knowledge can enrich our love life. 

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9.    Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins 

Another book that was published a decade ago, yet its lessons still hold significant relevance to the world today. Anthony Robbins highlights that we are a product of how we use our mind, and equips you with practical strategies on how to be in control of your emotions, health, relationships and finances by training your mind. Awaken the Giant Within offers timeless philosophies that enable you to reach your true goals and discover your calling in life.  

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10. How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie 

How to Win Friends and Influence People is essentially a book on communication skills and leadership. Although it may not offer readers unique or uncommon advice, it does, however, effectively reiterate the important (and often times, neglected) skills required to foster healthy and productive working relationships. Through this book, you can learn how to make people like you, how to convince others to your way of thinking, and how to influence others’ behaviours in a positive manner. 

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