The next level in food sustainability: Upcycled Food

The Singapore Food Festival shares top tips in reducing food waste

Text: Shannon T

Living sustainably continues to be imperative, as we open our eyes to the impact we have on our environment through the way we live. If you’re already eating plant-based, buying local produce from sustainable urban farms or purchasing sustainable fish, that’s a brilliant start. One area that continues to be under the radar however is food waste —  it is one of the biggest issues we face when it comes to environmental impact. Here we explore the ramifications and what we can do about it. 


Upcycling food helps reduces food waste

What comes to mind when you hear “Upcycled Food”? According to the Upcycled Food Association, food that is upcycled is made with ingredients that otherwise would not have gone to human consumption. Tons of edible food waste gets discarded before they even reach us consumers every year, either due to blemishes or “ugliness” or left over from over-importing as a result of unpredictable demand, lack of a consumer date and the perishable nature of food. 

Did you know that 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted every year; representing about 30% of all food produced globally? By upcycling food, we prevent precious food supplies from turning to food waste and help to reduce the production of greenhouses gases like methane, which are produced when food starts rotting. One of the ways to cut this down is by using food that would normally be trashed, and making it into something useful and delicious. 

The Singapore Food Festival 2021 celebrates our country’s vibrant culinary culture and this year, the festival has expanded its focus to encompass conscious local establishments and restaurants as well as workshops on how to upcycle food. Happening from 27 August to 12 September, here are some of our favourites to get involved in:  

  • Behind the Brand: Crust: Ever wondered how beer is made? Spotlighting upcycling at its best is this docu-feature that takes you on a journey to where it all began.

  • Well Spent at Sunrice: Join the Upcycle Food Economy and level up your Food Sustainability game. The Well Spent Workshops teach you how to repurpose food waste such as fruit peels, coffee grains and carrots into delectable treats!

    • Workshop 1: Summer Fruit Peel Popsicle & Jam Class (Make Orange Peel Jam and Coconut Residue with Lime Popsicles)

    • Workshop 2: Tea snacks with coffee & Tea spent class 

  • From Skin to Bones (10th September, 8pm): Join Chef Drew Nocente from Salted and Hung, a restaurant which prides itself in the creative use of forgotten parts, from skins to bones, protein to innards, with not a single by-product put to waste. In this live masterclass, you’ll learn how to make Barramundi Fish Soup and take away efficient techniques that can help you be more sustainable in your cooking.

 For more information and to book your spot, visit:


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