• Believe it not, most of us don’t see ourselves very clearly. Accurate self-awareness in employees and leaders is correlated with organisational effectiveness and profitability, and people prefer to follow leaders who know who they are. When we work together, I’ll explore how others see you, and look at specific themes and occurrences to assist you in pinpointing key strengths and areas for growth. I will help you to build skills so you can see yourself with clarity and open your mind to the way you think. Working with me will lead to you understanding your strengths, refocus and reaffirm your goals, and to yourself objectively through balanced eyes.Description text goes here

  • Many leaders hit a stumbling block and are held back because of their misunderstandings and judgements of those around them. This can lead to high-performing employees leaving because the leader doesn’t recognise and support their capabilities, or they keep under achievers too long because they believe they're better than they are. I will give you the skills to carry out a more neutral and accurate assessment of those around you. This way, you can propel your team, yourself and your business positively and effectively.

  • We all have a level of capability which got us to a certain stage, including habitual ways to respond and communicate — both of which need constant upgrading in order to progress. I will help you to look holistically at where you are now, where you want to be and what you need to learn and develop in order to get to the next level. Each session we will assess where you are, and I’ll provide new toolkits and frameworks for you to use to evolve, week by week.Description text goes here

  • Quite often we underestimate our own strengths and skills and don’t tend to realise that they may be strengths no-one else in your company has. I will help you to identify and see the value of your ‘unique selling points’ and attributes, and how to confidently embrace them so they can make both a team and business more effective.

  • Many leaders unfortunately limit their potential by subconsciously gravitating towards and building relationships with certain kinds of people - quite often people like themselves (in terms of upbringing, race, gender, values or leadership style). I will help you explore your work relationships andcommunication styles to ensure you are fully self-aware of the good, the bad and the ugly. I will support you in opening your mind and questioning any potential limiting beliefs. Together we will form a framework to help you understand how to create strong and vital working relationships within all levels of your workplace.

  • Ultimately, I am here to ensure you have a clear understanding of your objectives and dreams, and to create a plan to get you to your goals — think of me as your qualified, unbiased advisor and support system, who gets to know you well and wants the best for you. I’ll be truthful with you in every session about your progress, relooking at your wants and needs and evaluating what you're doing that's supporting your intentions — or indeed causing a road block. The most helpful coach can teach you fresh ways of thinking and operating, new skills that will allow you to better reach your goals and create the career you want.

Executive & Leadership Coaching

Similarly to Life Coaching, individuals can maximise their full potential, so they can reach their desired goals, this time with more of a focus in their professional career. However, wellbeing is still considered alongside this so you can manage both without having to compromise your personal life or health.

Check out the list to the right on how Lynda can help you with your career, business and leadership goals through one-on-one coaching and ultimately show you the difference between a manager and a leader. To book an intro call and for more information, visit Lynda Williams Coaching.