How to trick yourself into drinking more water

Stay hydrated, improve skin tone and gain more energy

Text: Sam Y

Lady in black bikini drinking water in the sun

Drinking water and staying hydrated is a human necessity — without water, our body simply can’t function.  Sixty percent of the human body is water and it helps maintain electrolyte balance and blood pressure, lubricates joints and regulates our body temperature. When we are optimally hydrated, we also feel more energised, have a dewy, youthful complexion and — in some cases — it can help drop the pounds.

We all know that health authorities commonly recommend eight 8-ounce glasses, which equals to about two litres, or half a gallon, of water per day. But who consistently remembers to drink your daily quota? Buying bottled water is also a no-no. Not only does it add up financially, but plastic bottles damage our environment. It’s simply not cool to be seen with one.

Want to stay optimally hydrated and looking fine? Here are some easy tricks to keep you on track.

arm outstretched holding a glass of water

Make your water look uber appealing

Let’s face it: a plain cup of water looks dull (especially when you put it next to your Frappuccino or bubble tea). Layer fresh fruit flavours through your glass or bottle with fruits or vegetables to add a new dimension. Mint, any citrus fruit, raspberries and cucumbers work well.

water being poured into glass with lemon slices

Create a daily routine

As the saying goes, motivation gets you started but good habit keeps you going. Set your morning alarm five minutes early to prepare two glasses of room temperature lemon water — lemon alkalises the system and prepares it for the day. Drinking one glass of water before each meal is also a great routine to get into as it also prevents overeating.

larq water bottle on sand, eco-friendly product

Change up your cup

Make drinking water more enjoyable by switching up what you’re drinking it from. Get yourself a fancy new water bottle — there are even ones that self-clean! A study conducted in 2017 by the Association for Consumer Research suggested that replacing familiar objects with an unconventional one can restore enjoyment.

mint and lime infused water poured into glass

… and if in doubt, add a touch of spice

Singaporeans are not afraid when it comes to the spice department so if you want to stay hydrated, now is not the time to be shy. Most people drink more water to cool their mouth down from the chilli padi overload , so you know what to do when you next order Laksa.


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