Meditation for yin and yang (masculine and feminine energy) energy balance

Mindfulness meditation and deep breathing exercises for your emotional and physical wellbeing

Text: V Gibbons


Regardless of our biological sex, we all have a mix of masculine and feminine energy (yin and yang), and we need to harness both in our daily lives. Masculine energy supports us to pursue goals, take action and to build plans to get what we want and remain focused. Through feminine energy we enjoy creating, dreaming, attracting what we want, seeing the big picture, collaborating with others and building communities through listening, sharing and nurturing.

When the two energies are flowing and balanced, we feel confident and open with a clear sense of creativity, power, wisdom, peace and love. But if things get out of balance, it can negatively impact our emotional and physical wellbeing.

When masculine energy is too dominant, we may feel unappreciated, under-valued or unlovable. We may feel physically tired and show signs of stress or burnout. Conversely, when feminine energy is too dominant, we can become scattered, irritable and unfocused. We may feel like our lives lack direction or purpose, or that the success we’re seeking is beyond our reach.

Traditional Buddhist and Hindu Tantric recognise that masculine energy is incomplete without feminine energy and vice versa. This quick daily feminine-masculine (yin and yang) balancing and mindfulness meditation can help you to get back into alignment and feel powerfully centred, strong and positive. It borrows from the Buddhist Tantric breath meditation known as Tummo. 

1.   Get comfortable either sitting cross-legged on the floor or in a chair with your feet flat on the ground. 

2.   Place your attention on your breathing and simply focus on your own natural inhaling and exhaling for a few minutes.

3.   Follow your breath for two minutes. Start your deep breathing exercise: take a deep inhale, expanding your belly, and then exhale slowly, elongating the out-breath as your belly contracts.

4.   Bring your focus to the lower dantian (approximately four finger widths below the navel).

5.   Visualise a small red triangle. Start by acknowledging the vast energy in this triangle.

6.   Take seven deep breaths in and out.  With each inhale move the red triangle up towards the centre of your head. With each exhale pause and feel red glowing energy resting at this spot. 

7.   When the red triangle reaches the centre of the head, rest there. Visualise the red energy blending with clear white energy healing. Feel the effect for a few minutes then open your eyes.

It is recommended that you begin this breathing exercise technique for seven minutes a day for seven days. Over time, the practice will become easier and more comfortable. For the full energy balance effect, and a change in your energy healing and levels, keep it up for 49 days.


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