How manifestation can help you ace your dream life

Incorporate the law of attraction into your daily life to accomplish your goals and turn dreams into reality

Text: Livvie B

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More money, find love, maintain good health …these are some of the most universal desires of mankind, but some of us so much better at achieving our goals than others. Many believe this is down to our outlook on life. Most of us are well versed in the law of attraction, but what does manifestation really mean, and is it something we can all practice to make our dreams a reality?

Eagar to understand what the experts make of manifestation, as well as get some tips as to how to incorporate manifestation practices into our daily life, we spoke to Singapore-based Life Coaches Ruchi Parekh and Lai Han Sam, Founder of Life Work Global

What does manifestation mean to you?

  • Ruchi: Manifestation very simply making the invisible, visible. Everything in the Universe is made of energy waves of different frequencies, and every human being is on a certain frequency based on his or her energy. We cannot create or attract something that does not already exist. However, what we can do is shift our thoughts and emotions and move onto a frequency matching that of what we desire to manifest.

    The best way to understand vibration and frequency is by understanding how we feel at the present moment. We will only attract into reality what we feel as we are constantly sending out our vibration into the Universe and receiving the same vibrations that match our frequency from the Universe.

  • Sam: Manifestation is what happens when you have a clear goal and are persistent in doing the right things in a consistently focused way. It may look like an “overnight success” but if you look closely, it is just focused disciplined action towards what you want. There is great trust and confidence that what you deserved will come to you.

Is manifestation something everyone can incorporate into their daily lives?

  • Ruchi: Yes, anyone and everyone can incorporate manifestation into their daily lives. In fact, we are always in a state of manifestation. We cannot stop manifesting. However, we need to be aware of what we're manifesting and change our experiences by changing our frequency and be aligned with the frequency of what we desire. We can do that by choosing how we feel.

  • Sam: Absolutely! Manifestation is something very practical that everyone can do. They are small incremental habits or steps that help you to create the energy and positivity you need to get what you want. There are two parts to the process of manifestation: the intention (thoughts, feelings, and self-belief) and the action (goals, plans and action).

What kinds of things can we manifest, for example love or money?

  • Ruchi: We can manifest anything into our life, materialistic or non-materialistic. For example:

    • A new car

    • A new home

    • Letting go of negativity

    • Changing an old habit

    • Calling in your soul mate

  • Sam: You can pretty much manifest what you want. All you really need to do is start. If you want more money, the intention must be clear — this includes getting your thoughts aligned with your why; how you feel about having more money and the deep belief that if you do the right things, you will have what you deserve. The next section is the action — you then formulate your goals, create an action plan and execute your plan. 

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Do you have any tips for those unfamiliar with the practice?  

  • Sam: The first thing is to have the right intention mindset in practicing manifestation. If you’re doubtful or pessimistic about your goal or the path towards it, this is a sure-fire way to sabotage your practice. Start by taking stock of your life and your personal vision. If you struggle to identify it, do reach out to professional coaches or mentors to help you get the clarity you need to move forward.

  •  Ruchi: I have two tips for people who are unfamiliar with the practice of manifestation:

    • Journaling is a tool that works well to manifest anything into your life. Start by journaling what you want to manifest. Journal specifically about the goal and make sure to do it in the present tense. Use only positive language, no negative words or connotations. Journal about the goal as if it’s already present in your life, describing the feeling of having it and/or experiencing it.

    • Be inspired: Inspirations are ideas with an amazing positive feeling.  They help you stay on the happy vibration. Look for inspiration wherever you are and wherever you go. When something inspires you, immediately write it down. Once it’s down in the journal, take steps to follow that inspiration and make it happen for you in your own life.

 How important is it to have an attitude of gratitude?

  • Sam: Gratitude is one of the most powerful ways to create positivity, contentment and happiness in your life. There’s a lot of research around gratitude where practicing gratitude will lead to better health, more positive emotions, more resilience during adversity, and the ability to build strong relationships. Personally, I find that it a great way to appreciate how far we have come and celebrate the journey!

  • Ruchi: Having an attitude of gratitude is very important, not only for manifestation purposes but in general life terms as well.  

    An attitude of gratitude means making it a habit to express thankfulness and appreciation in all parts of your life, on a regular basis, for both the big and small things alike. If you concentrate on what you have, you'll always have more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you'll never have enough.

    Gratitude is the best way to achieve a high vibe and when you’re on a vibe, which is similar to the vibration of the universe, you’re on a roll. Life feels like this amazing joyride with the journey going as per your wishes, attracting more of the high vibe energy, and things just start falling into place.


About Ruchi Parekh

Ruchi is an Associate Certified Coach (ACC), NLP Practitioner, Keynote Speaker, Accredited Belbin Facilitator and Lawyer. She helps high-potential professionals build emotional resilience and a positive mindset to get to the next level in their lives personally and professionally. Her main objective is to help clients move forward, find fulfilment success in all the roles they play.

About Lai Han Sam

Sam is the Founder & Woman’s Life Coach of Lifework Coaching and a transition coach working exclusively with successful women who want better work-life balance, fulfilling relationships, productive careers, and financial freedom. As your thinking partner, she listens to your needs and help you perfect your vision, strategy, and goals, resulting in tangible and pragmatic actions to achieve the life of your dreams.


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